I have no hope at all but in thy great mercy. Grant what thou commandest and command what thou wilt. Thou dost enjoin on us continence...Truly by continence are we bound together and brought back into that unity from which we were dissipated into a plurality. For he loves thee too little who loves anything together with thee, which he loves not for thy sake. O Love that ever burnest and art never quenched! O Charity, my God, enkindle me! Thou commandest continence. Grant what thou commandest and command what thou wilt. (From Confessions by St. Augustine.)
I am interested Russ, Augustine seems pretty obscure to me at this point. How do you see what he is saying as applying to assurance? Actually, to be honest, just a clearer explanation of what this means would be a help.
I am interested Russ, Augustine seems pretty obscure to me at this point. How do you see what he is saying as applying to assurance? Actually, to be honest, just a clearer explanation of what this means would be a help.