G.K. Beale is a well known author with many works on Biblical studies under his belt. Handbook on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament: Exegesis and Interpretation is quite informative and and an easy, enjoyable read.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a short guide to the use of the OT citations and allusions in the NT. The intended audience is serious-minded Christians, students and pastors, with the hope that even scholars might benefit. (pg. vxii)
A more detailed volume that is co-authored by Beale, is linked below. Though an introductory work on the subject, the work is still detailed enough to keep even the novice Bible reader interested.
Chapter Headings
A quick run through of the contents gives the would be reader an idea of the span of this work.
1. Challenges to Interpreting the Use of the Old Testament in the New
2. Seeing the Old Testament in the New: Definitions of Quotations and Allusions and Criteria for Discerning Them
3. An Approach to Interpreting the Old Testament in the New
4. Primary ways the New Testament Uses the Old Testament
5. Hermeneutical and Theological Presuppositions of the New Testament Writers
6. The Relevance of Jewish Backgrounds for the Study of the Old Testament in the New: A Survey of the Sources
7. A Case Study Illustrating the Methodology of This Book
This is not a straight forward subject as the author asserts several times. Yet, Beale does point out the value of his methodology. Chapter three is the main concern, as the author states, of this handbook and indeed is the highlight. A nine fold approach is offered to answer the all important question, what method should be employed for interpreting how the NT uses the OT? (pg. xviii). This chapter alone is worth the price of the book even if it is the only chapter read.
Overview of Chapter Three
The nine fold approach:
1. Identify the OT reference
2. Analyze the broad NT context where the OT reference occurs.
3. Analyze the OT context both broadly and immediately...
4. Survey the use of the OT text in early and late Judaism that might be of relevance to the NT appropriation of the OT text.
5. Compare the texts (including their textual variants).
6. Analyze the author's textual use of the OT.
7. Analyze the author's interpretive use of the OT.
8. Analyze the author's theological use of the OT.
9. Analyze the author's rhetorical use of the OT.
Each step is elaborated with details to apply the steps outlined.
Though this review has focused on chapter three, the rest of the volume is well worth reading and comprehending. The balance of the book further elaborates on each step. The book is well foot noted, full of examples, has an extensive bibliography, author index, and ancient writings index.
For the serious minded student of Scripture, this book won't let you down. I heartily endorse it.
For further and more in depth study look into
Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament by G.K. Beale and D.A. Carson