Reformed Forum has an excellent
interview with Babara Duguid on her book,
Extravagant Grace.
Click over and give it a listen. I think highly of this book, 4.5 out of 5, and heartily recommend it.
Book recommendations:
"People often ask me how it is that my faith has become so 'gospel
centered' and I always respond, 'I had a group of friends who kept
teaching me about Jesus, even though I didn't want to hear it.' Barbara
Duguid is the primary friend to whom I owe greatest thanks for her
loving persistence with me. Barbara is qualified to bring you a message
of extravagant mercy because she has drunk deeply of it herself. She
knows that, along with John Newton, she is a great sinner who has a
great Savior and it is this message of God's mercy to undeserving
sinners that will encourage you to live in the light of the sweetest
news ever heard: 'He died for a wretch like me!' Buy this book, buy one
for a friend, and live in the freedom that only the good news of the
gospel can bring."
—Elyse Fitzpatrick, Author of Idols of the Heart ---
know Barb Duguid up close, as a friend who with her family swooped in
to be God's hands and heart to our family in a time of need. Her wise
counsel was always backed up by a rich experiential knowledge of God's
amazing grace—and unrelenting compassion. Weaving together the
delightful insights of John Newton with her own experience—and that of
many people she's counseled over the years—Barb tells the story of God's
unrelenting compassion toward sinners like us with profound wisdom. How
amazing is grace? Like Newton, she has learned well the answer to that
question from the greatest story-teller of all."
—Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California "Stay
away from this book. If you buy it, don t read it. Barb Duguid makes
idolatry too nauseating, grace too promiscuous, the Trinity too
omnipotent, Christian experience too diverse, sanctification too scary,
and sovereignty too comforting. On the other hand, it could be a holy
temptation... yielding may be no sin."
—Dale Ralph Davis, Pastor, Woodland Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, Mississippi "In
this fine book, Barbara Duguid combines her love of church history, her
enthusiasm for John Newton, her insights honed as a pastor's wife and,
above all, her love for Christ and his church. Here the reader will find
sharp insights into the psychology of sin and sound practical advice on
how the Bible speaks to the mundane rebellions of everyday human
existence. The heart is indeed restless above all things; Barbara Duguid
ably directs us to where we can find rest: in Christ alone."
—Carl R. Trueman, Paul Woolley Professor of Church History, WTS PA; Pastor, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church (OPC) Ambler, Pa.