Saturday, June 29, 2024

Mesha Stele: The Second 'House of David' Inscription


Note: I am not in agreement with the theology of AIBA. However, their archeological work is well done and of worthy note.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Crossway ESV Scripture Journal Study Edition

There are numerous ways to take Bible notes. YouTube has several videos on the best ways to do so. To me, do what works for you.  Attempting to duplicate someone else's method can be  more trouble than its worth, but again, you do what works for you.

However, I will suggest taking advantage of Crossway's Scripture Journals and moreover, their Study Edition Journals.

These are incredibly handy. There is a journal for each book of the Bible except for some of the smaller books that are combined together (such as Hosea, Joel, Amos, & Obadiah). Scripture on the left page, blank page on the right. The rest is up to you to take whatever type of notes you want or need. Maybe prayers or sermon notes, language or technical/historical notes. Each journal is inexpensive so its possible to have multiple journals for each book as your study situation needs.

Crossway now has a Study Edition for a few books of the Bible (I hope they come out with more.) These contain notes from their study Bible as can be seen in the above photo.

The journal can be purchased as a set or individually from Crossway, of course, or Amazon. You'll enjoy them and I truly believe they'll help you in your Christian growth & journey.

I make NO commission on your purchase of these items.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

John Currid: Archaeology & the Old Testament Lecture at Reformation Bible College


This is a great lecture from John Currid. Take it from a armchair archaeologist, this is really good stuff. Check out Currid's page at RTS.

Interested? Delve deeper with this publication which can be purchased at Reformation Bible College (I have no affiliation with RBC). 

The Case for Biblical Archaeology


Many thanks to Reformation Bible College for making this video available.