Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Little Eye Candy for the Calvinist Reader

A few and notable works for this month. Take a look...

Merciful: The Opportunity and Challenge of Disciplining the Poor Out of Poverty by Randy Nabors.

Read an online interview here at byFaith magazine.

Apologetics: A Justification of Christian Belief by John Frame
Available 12 June 2015

Renowned theologian John Frame sheds much-needed light on the message and method of genuinely Christian apologetics in this landmark title. He insightfully examines apologetics in terms of proof, defense, and offense and clarifies the relationships of reason, proofs, and evidences to faith, biblical authority, and the lordship of Christ.

Defending Substitution by Simon Gathercole

Read the new release blog post at Baker here.

The Accidental Feminist by Courtney Reissig

Check out the online interview with the author here.

Hebrews: An Anchor for the Soul by R. Kent Hughes

In this insightful commentary, readers will find a gold mine of helpful discussion related to a book of the Bible that is easily misunderstood and often overlooked. Written by a pastor with decades of ministry and preaching experience, this volume abounds with wise insights into the book of Hebrews. With divisions and outlines that are never forced but flow naturally from the Biblical text, this commentary will be a great resource for anyone studying or teaching the book of Hebrews.